Presented March 10, 2023 at Massachusetts CTO Clinic
Google Sheets SmackDown
Presented at MassCue 2022 (Foxboro,MA) and TCEA23 (San Antonio, TX)
When the Shift Hits the Fan: Innovating through the Pandemic
UncategorizedReopening with Agility & Resiliency through Technology
UncategorizedPresented July 28, 2020 – Road Map to Campus Reopening via ISM/AUXS
Learn with me this summer – ISTE, MassCUE and More
UncategorizedThe summer is a great time to rest, recharge and learn. Join me at some of these exciting events:
ISTE19 Gsuite Secrets to Success, June 23 9:00-10:00am

Join Jenn Judkins and I as we dive into a fun and frantic blast through a ton of quick tips and tricks in Gsuite. We have a totally new app-based format for the presentation, and can’t wait to share the fun. Join us in Philly and quick ISTE off with us!
Gsuite Secrets to Success – June 23 9:00-10:00am
MassCUE Google Bootcamp: Level 2 Certification Prep

Join me for 2 full days as we prep for the Google Educator Level 2 Certifications, and become more efficient and effective through Google.
Register at MassCUE: Google Bootcamp: Level 2 Certification Prep
MassCUE Google Bootcamp: Certified Trainer Prep

Want to be a Google Certified Trainer? Join me for a one day workshop as we dive into the requirements and tips to become a trainer.
Register at MassCUE: Google Bootcamp: Certified Trainer Prep
MassCUE Google Certification Prep

Do you work in the Admin Console? Learn about Google’s newest redesigned certification and dive into the tips, tricks and techniques needed to master your (Google) domain.
Register at MassCue: Google Administrator Certification Prep
Seekonk Summer GooglePalooza 2019

Join the fun at GooglePalooza Summer Seekonk as I and other Google Trainers dive deep into the Google products.
Register at MassCUE: Seekonk Summer GooglePalooza
Automating with Sheets & Forms
UncategorizedPresented with Jenn Judkins at METAA CTO Clinic, March 8, 2019
DDC Rocketry
UncategorizedDDC’s Rocketry from Greg Dancer on Vimeo.
I recently had the opportunity to teach Rocketry at DDC in Beijing China. During my class, they put together a short promo video of the fun we had learning about the science and engineering behind rocketry and space programs.
Test your Google Skills with a Google BreakoutEDU
UncategorizedTest out your Google skills with this digital BreakoutEDU! This was my first time creating a digital breakoutEDU, and I had an absolute blast creating the puzzle and watching attendees of the MassCUE Winter Googlepalooza ’18 grapple with the challenge. Test your google skills across a wide variety of areas and try to make it past your first day at Google! Can you unlock the digital locks and succeed?
For more information on digital breakoutEDU, check out:
My Picademy Experience – Providence 2017 Cohort 2
UncategorizedI had heard how amazing Picademy was from a few folks I really trust, so when I found I was selected as one of the members of the 2017 Picademy cohort in Providence RI, I was really excited. I’ve played with RaspberryPi before, even using them in a few projects with students, but I had never felt like I had mastered how they could be used with students.
I’ve also been a huge fan of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, using their amazingly well produced website, magazine and project ideas in the past.
So when I applied to the program, I didn’t expect to get chosen. I figured I start applying for each session that they announce, and then maybe after my third or fourth application, they’d take pity on me and let me in. Instead, I was thrilled to be accepted on my first try to the Providience Cohort, hosted and Johnson and Wales University.
Living near Boston, I was lucky and didn’t need to fly in. Instead I drove the 45 minutes or so to Providence each day. The night before, they hosted an icebreaker at an awesome community makerspace/bar (two awesome things that should go together more often) AS220. It was a good chance to meet the organizers of the workshop, other Picademy students, have a tasty beverage and tour the makerspace.
Day 1 – “Taster” sessions
The next morning, arriving at Johnson and Wales, I felt the buzz as folks arrived. We were given goodie bags, filled with Raspberry Pi accessories we’d be using, a copy of MagPi and more. And, as Johnson and Wales is one of the top hospitality schools in the country, the snacks were excellent as well.
The actual workshop was one of the best organized and designed professional development experiences I’ve been a part of. RaspberryPi is all about learning by doing, and they designed each section with a balance between just in time instruction and time to explore.
The first day was focused on “taster sessions” where we would be guided through the use of different aspects of the RaspberryPi. Divided into two half groups, we learned how to:
- Control physical components like LEDs through Scratch and Python
- Use the Explorer HAT Pro to control motors
- Hack Minecraft with the Raspberry Pi
- Take and manipulate photos with the PiCamera
- Use the SenseHat collect data, control the LED matrix and more.

Learning in one of the taster sessions.
Day 2 – Projects and Team Rocket
During Day 2, we were mostly given time to pitch ideas and build a group project. I ended up working in Team Rocket, where our goal was to create a flight computer that would capture data from model rocket launches, create charts and graphs of the flight along with photos, and tweet them when it was back within range of wifi.

Getting graphing going!
Our team was rocking, and made quick progress. In no time we had the Sense Hat recording data, creating graphs and tweeting images from our newly made @rocket_pi account
Rocket Launch 2017 #picademyLook at it go! #picademyWe learned so much #picademy
— RaspberryPiRocket (@rocket_pi) June 9, 2017
Live Graph
— RaspberryPiRocket (@rocket_pi) June 9, 2017
We found the following tutorials, along with the expertise of the Picademy staff, super helpful:
- Creating a spreadsheet from SenseHAT data
- Creating live graphs in Python
- Getting started with PiCamera
- Tweeting from RaspberryPi
All the teams scrambled to get their projects ready to share with the rest of the group. Many teams (ours included) were finishing last features right up until the second before the presentation.

Team Rocket presenting the project
After presenting our projects, we were officially welcomed into the Certified Rapsberry Pi Educator program with a hardy handshake.
All in all, if they ever have a Raspberry Pi Certified Educator Level 2, or let people retake it – I AM THERE! This was by far my favorite workshop and I feel super lucky to have been part of it.
Join me at MassCUE GSuite EDU Bootcamp – 7/31-8/1/18
UncategorizedJoin me for two days of diving deep into GSuite on your way to Certified Educator Level 1, 2 or Trainer with MassCUE and EDCO on July 31 and August 1.