Cultivating the Global Citizen: Creating a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum


Cultivating the Global Citizen: Creating a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

Presented at AISNE Middle School Conference “Outside the Box”, October 11, 2013

The Meadowbrook School of Weston has redeveloped how it helps students become positive global citizens. Discover how Meadowbrook students have broadened their impact on the world through new programs, including Photo Justice, Digital Citizenship & Literacy, ThinkGive, and Community Service.

The Process
• The process of examining Meadowbrook’s social/emotional curriculum and identifying
areas of opportunity.
• Identifying resources, including partnerships, to help create the curriculum pieces.
• Creating a more comprehensive program.

The Development
• Figuring out the logistics – how to find the time and the people to make it happen.
• Adopting and adapting curricula.

The Implementation & Reflection

  • See the lessons, students, and programs in action.
  • Photo Justice – Students capture an issue in a photograph and exhibit.
  • ThinkGive – Students give something up for a day and examine its impact.
  • Digital Citizenship – Students explore what it means to be safe and positive
  • citizens online.
  • Awareness Into Action – Students bring awareness of an issue to others.
  • The challenges — what worked and plans for improvement.

Zaidee Rose, Middle School English Teacher, CGA Coordinator
Jonathan Schmid, Director of Innovation & Technology
Mike Scafati, Teacher K-8: Technology, Social Studies, Film
Justin McLean, Director of Multicultural Affairs, History Teacher

CEDFA Pre and Post-Summit Technology Boot Camp


Below is an outline of the information we worked through together at CEDFA Summit XIV.


“Technology is available to develop either independence and learning or bureaucracy and teaching.”
Ivan Illich

Minimally Invasive Education and Hole in the Wall Computing


Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is an instant response system that can often replace costly and complicated student response systems. Using any internet connected device or text message capable phone, respondents can answer questions posed by a facilitator. Poll Everywhere excels at real-time survey situations. Both free accounts and paid, more fully featured K-12 accounts are available.

How can Poll Everywhere be used for teaching?

Gathering student opinions, pre and post tickets, quizzes, voting on selecting group decisions.

How can Poll Everywhere be used for learning?

Students can create a Poll Everywhere account and collect information from their peers. Students can use results to complete analysis as a part of making processed informed decisions.

Today’s Meet

Today’s Meet is a live, semi-private backchanneling system. Completely free, Today’s Meet can be used to generate a conversation behind the presenter.

How can Today’s Meet be used for teaching?

Today’s Meet can be used to communicate information during a presentation or video. It could also be an interesting tool during faculty meetings.

How can Today’s Meet be used for learning?

Students can use Today’s Meet to ask questions, collaborate and have rich conversations during presentations and videos.


Prezi is a presentation tool and can be used in many situations where you would usually use PowerPoint. Prezi offers a few benefits not found in PowerPoint such as being free, accessible from any internet connected computer, offering a more holistic connection between points when compared to the linear nature of most slide based tools, and a more visually interesting style.

How can Prezi be used for teaching?

Prezi can be used anytime a teacher would traditionally use Powerpoint.

How can Prezi be used for learning?

Students can create Prezis. Online collaboration in the same Prezi is possible. Teachers can distribute Prezis outside the class as a part of a “flipped classroom” or blended learning environment.

QR Codes

QR Codes bridge the gap between the tangible world and the virtual by creating print codes that contain information. Usually these codes contain a link, which when scanned with a QR code reader, will send the user directly to the site. QR codes can also contain information such as text, email addresses, or contact information.

How can QR Codes be used for teaching?

Teachers have created quiz keys, scavenger hunts and video explanations for bulletin boards with QR Codes.

How can QR Codes be used for learning?

Students can create QR Codes as a part of a project, perhaps accompanying print flyers or other promotional materials.

Additional Resources:

QRstuff – QR Code Creator we used
QR Codes in Education
QR Codes in Education on Pinterest
QR Voice recorder – scan a QR code to hear your or your students recorded voice.


The AppleTV is a consumer entertainment device costing $99 that offers AirPlay, a simple system that allows you to share your screen wirelessly to a projector or TV from a newer iPad, iPhone or Mac.

How can AppleTV be used for teaching?

Teachers can roam throughout the room while connected to the projector.

How can AppleTV be used for learning?

Students can more easily share their work to the board without the logistical transition of coming to the board or connecting physically to a projector.

Additional Resources:


Twitter is a microblogging service where users communicated through short, 140 character messages called tweets.

How can Twitter be used for teaching?

Twitter is a powerful tool for teachers to communicate with other teachers, as a part of a Personal Learning Network.

How can Twitter be used for learning?

Students can tweet to each other, known experts or even their teacher. They can also search twitter for actual sources of current events and identify emerging trends.

Additional Resources:

Technology & Communication


Presented via Skype for Amarillo ISD on 8/20/2012

Technology Is…

Presentation tools gone bad

Presentation Zen

    1. Slides should reinforce your words, not repeat them.
    2. Don’t use cheesy images.
    3. Transitions – keep it simple
    4. Create a leave behind written document.
    5. Don’t hand out printouts of your slides – they don’t work without you there.

Pecha Kucha

  • Adds limitations on presentations to foster increased clarity and creativity. 20 slides, 20 seconds for each slide. 6 minutes and 40 seconds. (20×20,6:40)
  • Pecha Kucha Training Bite video

Presentation Tech Tools: